کتاب‌های پیشنهادی برای مطالعه‌ی بیشتر

کتاب‌های پیشنهادی برای مطالعه‌ی بیشتر

Bednarcek, Monika A. (2005) ‘Frames Revisited- the coherence- including function of frames’, Journal of pragmaics 37; 685- 705.

Blum- lkulka, shoshana (1986) ‘shifts of cohesion and coherence in translation’, in juliane House and soshana Blum- kulka (eds) interlingual and intercultural Communication: Discourse and cognition in Translation and second Language Acquistion Studies,             Tubingen:

Gunter Narr, 17-35; reprinted in Lawrence Venuti (ed.) The Translation Sandies Reater, London: Routledge, 290-305.

Bogun. Gilliant and George Yule (1983) Discourse Analysis, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Chapter 7 Coherence in the Interpretation of Discourse’.

de Bereguarande. Robert and Wollgang Dressler (1981) Introduction to text Linguistie’s, London: Longman. Chapter 5: ‘Coherence’, and chapter 6: Intentionality and Acceptability’.

Enkvist. N. E. (1985) ‘Coherence and Inference’, in Ursula Pieper and Gerhard Stickel (eds) Studia Linguistica Diachronica et Synchronica Berlin: Motiton de Gruyter, 233-248.

Hickey. Leo (ed.) (1998) The Pragmatics of Translationc, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Valdés, Cristina and Adrián Fuentes Luque (2008) ‘Coherence in translated Television Commercials’, European Journal of English Studies 133-14S.

درباره مؤدب بودن

Arnáiz. Camen (2006) ‘Politeness in the Portrayal of Workplace Relationships: Second Person Address Forms in Peninsular Spanish and the Translation of Humour’. Journal of Politeness Research, Language Behaviour, Culture 201): 123-141.

Berk-Seligson, Susan (1988) ‘The Impact of Politeness in Witness Testimony: The Influence of the Court Interpreter’, Multilingua 7(4): 411- 439.

Brown. Penelope and Stephen Levinson (1987/ 1999) Politeness. Some Universals in Language Usage, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, excerpted as ‘Politeness: Some Universals in Language Usage’, in Adam Jaworski and Nikolas Coupland (eds) The Discourse Reader, London: Routledge, 321-335.

Cambridge, Jan (1999) ‘Information Loss in Bilingual Medical Interviews through an Untrained Interpreter’, in lan Mason (ed.) Dialogue Interpreting, special issue of The Trumnslator 5(2): 201-219.

Glinert, Lewis (2010) ‘Apologizing to China: Elastic Apologies and the Meta-discourse of American Diplomats’, butercultural Pragmatics 47-74.

Hatim, Basil and Ian Mason (1997) The Translator us Communicator, London: Routledge. Chapter 5: ‘Politeness in Screen Translating’.

Hickey. Leo (2000) ‘Politeness in Translation between English and Spanish’, Targer 12(2): 229-240.

House, Juliane (1998) ‘Politeness and Translation’, Leo Hickey (ed.) The pragmatics of Translation, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 54- 71.

درباره‌ی عروض معنایی و به‌طورکلی درباره‌ی معنای نگرشی

Louw, Bill (1993) ‘Irony in the Text or Insincerity in the Writer? The fic Potential of Semantic Prosodies’, in Mona Baker, Gill Francis Lena Tognini-Bonelli (eds) Text and Techmology: In ffonour of John clair, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 157-176.

Louw, Bill (2000) ‘Contextual Prosodic Thcory: Bringing Semantic prosodies to Life’, in Chris Helfer and Helen Sauntson (eds) Words in ney. A Tribute to John Sinclair on His Retirement. CDRom. Available at www.revue-lexto.net/docannexe/file/124/ouw prosodie.pdf.

Munday, Jeremy (2010) ‘Evaluation and Intervention in Translation, in Mona Baker, Maeve Olohan and Maria Calzada Pérez (eds) Text and Context: Essays on Translation and Interpreting in Honour of lan Masou, Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing, 77.94.

Sicwart. Dominic (2010) Semantic Prosody: A Critical Evaluation. London:


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